Michigan AG Bans Trump for Not Wearing a Mask, Calls POTUS a ‘Petulant Child Who Refuses to Follow the Rules’

by Chris White


Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said she is following through on a threat to keep President Donald Trump out of her state after he did not wear a face mask for part of a tour at a Michigan car plant.

The president is no longer welcome in Michigan, Nessel told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Thursday after saying earlier in the day on CNN that Trump would be asked “not to return” if he did not follow the state’s guidelines. Not following the guidelines on social distancing and mask wearing cannot be tolerated, she added.

“This morning, you said right here on CNN that if President Trump doesn’t wear a mask, he’ll be asked not to return to any undisclosed facilities in your state. Is the president no longer welcome in Michigan?” Blitzer asked.

Nessel responded: “Speaking on behalf of my department and my office, that’s right — that’s exactly right.”

“Today’s events were extremely disappointing and yet totally predictable,” Nessel said, referring to the president’s decision not to wear a mask in public while touring a Ford plant Thursday in Michigan. “The president is like a petulant child who refuses to follow the rules. This is no joke.”

Nessel added: “He’s conveying the worst possible message to people who cannot afford to be on the receiving end of terrible misinformation.”

Nessel, a Democrat, said earlier on Thursday during a CNN interview that people who don’t comply with the masking laws could be held legally accountable before acknowledging that Trump “doesn’t have the same level of legal accountability as everybody else.”

One of Ford’s executives explained that the president wore a mask during a private viewing of one of the automaker’s new models.

“Bill Ford encouraged President Trump to wear a mask when he arrived. He wore a mask during a private viewing of three Ford GTs from over the years,” the company wrote in a statement Thursday. “The President later removed the mask for the remainder of the visit.”

More than 5,000 people have died in Michigan after contracting coronavirus.

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Chris White is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation.
Photo “Dana Nessel” by Dana Nessel.







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2 Thoughts to “Michigan AG Bans Trump for Not Wearing a Mask, Calls POTUS a ‘Petulant Child Who Refuses to Follow the Rules’”

  1. M. Flatt

    There are several problems with such a statement.
    The first is whether or not the State AG can actually enforce a ban of entrance in the first place.
    Secondly, how did “wearing a mask in public” become law? It’s an order by the health department”, not a regulation passed by the state legislature.
    Third, to publicly take the position that the President is a “petulant child” is obviously a partisan statement. Sticks and Stones, and all that. However, to make the public declaration to “punish” such a person is pandering. By the way, she may be a woman, but this sort of “mothering” is stupidly foolish. You don’t “parent” an adult you didn’t personally give birth to.
    Since Michigan is one of those famous “Swing States”, I’d like to see as many rallies as possible for the President to show up in that state.

  2. Kevin

    Ha, this is comical! So, the President is NOT “welcome” in Michigan.

    President Trump takes more abuse every day in Washington DC, than Barry O did in all 8 years! Do you really think that he cares what a few politicians or left wing media people say?

    All he cares about are the American people, and we support him! So, “welcome” is a meaningless word!

    Plus, does this prima donna really think that when President Trump comes rolling in with his 30 car motorcade including heavy weapons SWAT teams, that she is going to stop him?
